Thursday, May 16, 2013

The bug stuck!

It's funny how some things just fall in your lap.  Dedrick wanted a new camera, I love doing print design... add to that my disdain for my inability to afford most of the photographers in Frisco.  Whalaa, business in a can.  We are by no means trying to get rich taking pictures, but if it helps to bring in a bit of extra income on the weekends, I am all for it!  As we hone our craft we have been practicing on some our friends and of course our kids and what I am learning is the more pictures you take the better you get.  We can't compete with some of the high-end local photogs who have been honing their craft for years and honestly don't want to, but if we can give our friends and family high quality photos that they can cherish, I say why not!  Maybe we'll get good enough to turn this into a retirement fund!  Ha, you all know how I like to plan!  Here's a few of my favorites that I've taken over the past few weeks, including some of our friend's daughter, Kyla, and some cute candids of Jade and Nolon.  Check out their pages soon for baseball (Nolon) and 2nd Birthday (Jade) shots!  Stay tuned, we'll be launching a site/blog for the business as well.  We decided on the name Three Strands Studios.



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